Saturday, December 17, 2022

Sweden's newest puzzle

 For a long time, the Sedins held the top spot in our nightmares. They were a Swedish enigma looming out their in Vancouver, always playing on the same line, with the same vacant expressions. What was going on behind those eyes? Do we want to know? They unsettled us, in part because of their ability, and in part because of their single minded focus and determination, even if we weren't ever quite siue what that goal might be.

Part of the power of the Sedins was that they were always together, and they looked exactly alike. Will we appreciate the uncanny visage of the Eriksson Ek brothers if they are in Anaheim and Minnesota, or will it be more unsettling that they show up in more than one game a night on some days of the schedule? Do you need to see both of them side by side to feel threatened?

Gah, they're so stoic, I can't tell if they are happy or plotting!

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